Monday, February 27, 2006

Buying a New Car?

Stay away from these models:

1. The Scamaro

2. The Rustang

3. Toyota Crapola

4. Whorevette

5. Mercury BrokeBack Mountaineer

6. The VW Beatle (especially the John and George as they don't last as long)

7. Nothing for #7

8. Dodge Rump Ranger

9. The Lincoln Agitator

10. Cadillac Cruella deVille

11. The Honda Qualude

12. The Buick Skybar (they melt)

13. Honda Accordian (folds up in most accidents)

And of course all Dodge product.


  1. 13) The Toyota Matrix (Especially not the red one-- leads to increasingly bad, well, sequels.)
    14) The Civic Poupe.
    15) Anything by Moldsmobile.

  2. After an energizing supper and a drink, I remembered these other winners...

    16) Slaab.
    17) Hyundai Accident.
    18) Lincoln (gets shot a lot).
    19) Ford Grand Marquis de Sade.
