Monday, March 13, 2006

The Three Stooges Tackle The Classics

If you're like me you probably spend a lot of time wondering just how great it would have been if the Three Stooges wrote the's a few that I'm dying to read.

1. To Kill A MoeKingbird

2. Of Mice and Moe

3. Moby DeRita

4. Shemp Family Robinson

5. The Curly in the Rye

6. Adventures of Huckleberry Fine

7. Dr. Howard & Mister Fine

8. I don't remember the one for #8

9. The Adventures of Moeco Polo

10. The Larry of Monte Cristo

11. The Hunchback of Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk

I'm sure there are others...


  1. Apparently they already did a classic:

    Snow White and the Three Stooges (1961)

    I didn't even have to make one up!

  2. I think Roger the Shrubber googles.

  3. Robinson Crumoe
    Hound of the Baskerstooges
    The Adventures of Curly Pan
    Tale of Two Stooges
    The Cask of Amoetillado

  4. Fine. If no one else is going to take it, I'll take...

    Lord of the Stooges: Fellowship of the Curly

  5. Anonymous3:39 PM EST

    Moe on a Hot Tin Roof

    Shempshank Redemption

  6. Anonymous3:50 PM EST

    Invasion of the Eye Pokers

    Stooge Story (it's a chick flick, of course)

  7. Oooh, busted. Damn. Was it the 1961 that gave me away?

    I choose to blame cake

  8. I was at the library and I found a whole collection of other Three Stooges classics I didn't know about...

    Anna Curlyna
    Heart of Stoogeness
    The Red Badge of Curly
    The Last of the Moehicans

  9. My! What a spiffy new colour (note the tony british spelling) scheme! Do you do interior design, as well?

    Moemeo and Juliet

    Spread out, you mugs.

  10. Anonymous9:15 PM EST

    Sparkle Plenty noticed your fancy new online duds...shame on me.

  11. Anonymous10:06 PM EST

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  12. I think Momenger should have changed names to MOEmenger in honor of Stooges Day...but I didn't think of it till it was too late.

