Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Second Dumbest Guy On The Planet

This guy comes into my store the other day and here is how the conversation went:

DUMB GUY: "How much is that bobblehead?"

ME: "$19.95"

DUMB GUY: "That's like $20.00, right?"

ME: "Yes."

I love this business.


  1. "Why's it called a bobblehead?"

  2. Questions answered and asked:

    1. The first dumbest guy on the planet has to be John Kerry.

    2. It's called a bobblehead because the head remains motionless.

    3. If I had a .99 cent store would I call it a Dollar Store?

  3. Anonymous1:35 PM EDT

    A) If it cost $19.99, and you charged him $20, gimme the penny.
    B) Why are bobbleheads so indecisive? It's yes or no, dammit, yes or no. All this shilly-shallying and bobbly-booing.
    C) Is there a Hitler bobblehead? If so, would it be decisive enough to off itself in a bunker? Or, would it stand their quivering and equivocating and bobbly-booing until the Korean Conflict?
    D) If I had a bobblehead, I'd name him "Shaky."
    E) It would be very cruel to have a line of bobbleheads based on famous people with Parkinson's Disease.
    F) I once asked someone, "Which way is down?" Made sense in the moment, too.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Meet the Nutty Fuhrer:

  6. Anonymous1:53 PM EDT

    No, no, no. Gimme the NICKEL. Oh, crap. I haven't outgrown my "which way is down phase."

    Oh, nevermind.

  7. Maybe we should fix them up. They could make dumb babies.

  8. Those two would never be able to figure out how to make babies. They'd just hurt themselves trying.

  9. Anonymous12:57 AM EDT

    I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

  10. Anonymous2:47 AM EDT

    Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.
