Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Attack on the Esplanade

If you don't know what the Esplanade it. It's in the Boston area.

So anyhow, it seems there was some kinda attack on a woman and her daughter(?) on the Esplanade the other night. It was on the news this morning and the reporter interviewed someone that was nearby. Here is part of that interview:

Reporter: "So....what are your thoughts about the attack on the Esplanade?"

Broad being interviewed: "It's a shame that an attack can happen in such a beautiful area."


Hopefully our new governor will make it a law that future attacks must be in run down areas only.


  1. This is why I plant pretty flowers all around my house. To ward off attacks.

  2. Anonymous11:23 AM EDT

    Frowers ron't help. If rey want to get rou, rey get rou.

  3. I can't believe his post requires that I go and Google something. He's really jumped the Esplanade now, that's for sure.

  4. Anonymous11:40 AM EDT

    It is a shame when someone goes and jumps such an achingly lovely area. Look out! Look out for the waaaaaaaater! Oops. Splashlanade.

    Myrna Loy

  5. Anonymous11:43 AM EDT

    Rucy! Rou have some esplanading to ro...

  6. Anonymous11:49 AM EDT

    Well, NoOprah's suggestion would certainly explain why Newark, NJ is such a hotbed of folks being slapped around by other folks.

    -- Lamont "Social Malaise" Cranston

  7. Anonymous12:01 PM EDT

    Well, that proves that the attacker was male, since males never ask for directions and he was so obviously lost. [dimwit]

  8. Are you calling the attacker a dimwit or NoOprah?

  9. Anonymous12:08 PM EDT

    Nooprah isn't a rimrit.

  10. Anonymous1:33 PM EDT

    well..., Cake, if you have to ask...

    Correction to earlier post, I meant the attacker is a dimwit (or did I mean all men who won't ask for directions are dimwits?
    Freud, care to weigh in?)

    We all know Nooprah is just a harmless 'tard!

  11. Anonymous3:21 PM EDT

    Lets take it further. I think only ugly people should get attacked!

  12. Anonymous3:22 PM EDT

    I'm pretty cute, I guess I'm safe.
