Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The Diet Pepsi coin flip

Diet Pepsi has released a series of ads proclaiming that '56% of those polled say Diet Pepsi has more cola taste than Diet Coke'

Not it tastes better, but more cola taste.

56% is not a ringing endorsement when it comes to cola. What they are basically saying is that roughly half of the cola drinkers think Coke has more cola taste.

44% of Coca-Cola drinkers think Pepsi drinkers are girls.

And 62% of all cola drinkers of age, in the USA, won't vote for Hillary Clinton. Or Joe 'I'm out of my freakin' mind' Biden.


  1. I took the Pepsi challeneg once. I picked CocaCola.

    Pepsi is for girls.

  2. Wait a second there, does that mean that Pepsi is the official soft drink of Buddy Night?

  3. in texas all drinks are called coke...

    but I drink H2O

  4. Anonymous2:59 PM EDT

    I'm drinking a frappuccino, what does that make me?

  5. A candidate for Buddy Night?

  6. Been there, done that. Months and months of therapy...

  7. Anonymous9:19 AM EDT

    You pick on Pepsi, you Chriss de tabernac tete carre?

    Nex' I expec' you say dat Ding-Dongs are better dan May Wes'

    All dress
    pas d'ognions
    puis un Pepsi
    Two hegg side by each
    Montreal Matin.

    Good breakfas'
