Saturday, November 10, 2007

Did it at least smell like french fries?

The following story once again proves that IANO has it's finger on the pulse of the world. Or something. This relates to yesterday's post on these here airwaves. (are these airwaves?)

>>>>>>>BEIJING — Three shoppers died and at least 31 others were injured in a stampede when the doors opened at the start of a sale at a Carrefour supermarket in southwestern China on Saturday, state media reported.
Some shoppers slipped as they rushed through a door to the Carrefour in Chongqing city when the store opened at 8:30 a.m., and those that fell were then crushed by other shoppers, the Web sites of the Xinhua News Agency and People's Daily reported.
The People's Daily said shoppers began lining up outside the store at 4 a.m. to buy discounted rapeseed oil used for cooking.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


  1. Anonymous10:47 AM EST

    I always wondered where IANO had his finger!

  2. Anonymous11:43 AM EST

    Better on the pulse of the world than up the nose of the world!

  3. Anonymous11:51 AM EST

    This is beneath the dignity of the noble Chinese people.

    Such excesses should be saved for when the next X-box goes on sale.

    -- Lamont "Number Three Combo and Lichees, Please" Cranston

  4. I agree with Lamont. We as a species should only stampede over good stuff.

  5. Anonymous12:42 PM EST

    Like those 'made in china' toys that turn into the date rape drug

  6. Anonymous12:43 PM EST

    New game suggestion - What would you stampede for????

  7. Anonymous12:45 PM EST

    Carpenter pants

  8. Anonymous6:46 PM EST

    Stupid people stampeding for rapeseed oil. Everyone knows canola oil is better.

    By the way, there are five or six Chinese restaurants on my store's block, and it always smells like french fries. Eat your heart out Ianorino!

  9. [censored]!!!

    I want french fries now.

    I hate you all.

  10. id rather have s'mores

  11. rapeseed? wtf happens when you plant *rape*seed? actually, i'm not hanging around to find out.

  12. Rapeseed is Canola...scientists in Manitoba used selective breeding to take the uric acid out of rapeseed which had previoulsy made it bitter as hell. We don't call it rapeseed for obvious reasons. Just had to add my .02.
