Friday, December 28, 2007

99 bottles of beer on the wall...

99 bottles of beer, ya take one down and pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall.

(It's called phoning it in.)


  1. going on strike like the other writers i see?

    and what a dumb song...honestly in new england do ya think a bottle of beer would get passed around?? Im drinking it as soon as it's given to me

  2. Anonymous11:48 AM EST

    98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer, you take one down and pass it around 97 bottles of beer on the wall...

  3. Anonymous12:04 PM EST

    97 bottles of beer on the wall 97 bottles of beer.. you take one down an pass it around 96 bottles of beer on the wall.

  4. Anonymous12:07 PM EST

    96 bots of hops on the pubs wall, 96 bots of hops, me mate takes one down and passes it around, 95 bloody bots of hops on the pubs wall..

  5. Anonymous12:18 PM EST

    95 bottles of wine on the wall, 95 bottles of wine, ya take one down, ya pass it around, 94 bottles of wine on the wall...

  6. Anonymous12:18 PM EST

    94 bottles of beer on the wall, 94 bottles of beer, you take one down, you swill it all down, 93 bottles of beer on the wall...

  7. Anonymous12:20 PM EST

    93 bottles of better stronger beer on the wall eh, 93 bottles of better strong beer, ya take one down eh and pass it around eh, 92 bottles of better strong beer on the wall eh.

  8. who ARE these people??

  9. Anonymous12:47 PM EST

    That's Retarded!

  10. Anonymous12:50 PM EST

    92 bottles of cola on the wall,92 bottles of cola, ya take one down and pass it around, 92 bottles of cola on the wall.

  11. Anonymous12:54 PM EST

    91 bottles of root beer on the wall91 bottles of root beer, you take one down and pass it around, 91 bottles of root beer on the wall.

  12. Anonymous1:11 PM EST

    90 Cans of Moxie on the wall, 90 cans of Moxie, ye take one down, pass it around *burp* 89 cans of Moxie on the wall.

  13. Anonymous1:20 PM EST

    89 bottles of skin lotion on the wall, 89 bottles of skin lotion, you take one down and pass it around 89 bottles of skin lotion on the wall...

  14. Anonymous4:00 PM EST

    If you have a wall with 98 bottles of beer on it then you need some household decorating tips.

  15. Anonymous4:06 PM EST

    88 bottles of liquid veal on the wall, 88 bottles of liquid veal, you take one down and pass it around 87 bottles of liquid veal on the wall...

  16. Anonymous4:11 PM EST

    87 bottles of pus on the wall, 87 bottles of pus, you take one down and pass it around 86 bottles of pus on the wall...

  17. Anonymous4:13 PM EST

    86 bottles of blood on the wall, 86 bottles of blood, you take one down and pass it around 85 bottles of blood on the wall...

  18. Anonymous4:15 PM EST

    85 Beatles of bears on the wall, 85 Beatles of bears, you take one down and pass it around 84 Beatles of bears on the wall...

    (Back in the R.O.A.R.)

  19. Anonymous4:23 PM EST

    84 rolls of Charmin on the wall, 84 rolls of Charmin, you take one down and squeeze it around 83 rolls of Charmin on the wall...

    ::squeezes Charmin::

  20. Anonymous6:33 PM EST

    83 bottles of ink on the wall, 83 bottles of ink, you take one down and pass it around 82 bottles of ink on the wall...

  21. Anonymous8:28 PM EST

    Okay...I was wrong. The Beatles game is not the worst blog anymore!

  22. Anonymous11:10 PM EST

    82 bottles of on the wall, 82 bottles of ketchup, ya take one down, pass it around, 81 bottles of ketchup on the wall.

  23. Anonymous11:12 PM EST

    81 bottles of floor polish on the wall, 81 bottles of floor polish, ya take one down, you spray it around, 80 bottles of floor polish on the wall!

  24. Anonymous11:15 PM EST

    80 bottles of Coke on the wall, 80 bottles of Coke, you take one down, pass it around...

    ::eyes 79 remaining bottles::

    ::chugs 30 of them::

    49 bottles of Coke on the wall!

  25. Anonymous11:18 PM EST

    How DARE you?!

    ::beats Heavy Helen::

  26. Anonymous11:22 PM EST

    49 bottles of brains on the wall, 49 bottles of brains, you take one down, you get run out of town, 48 bottles of brains on the wall...

  27. Anonymous11:33 PM EST

    48 bottles of beer at the mall, 48 bottles of beer, you take one down, with a big frown, 47 bottles of beer on the wall.

  28. Anonymous11:35 PM EST

    47 sprots of the fuzzy on the stoneysit, 47 sprots of the fuzzy, me takes one down, me gargles it down, 46 sprots of the fuzzy on the stoneysit!

  29. Anonymous11:37 PM EST

    46 dishes of water for me, 46 dishes of water, I take one down, pass it around, 45 dishes of water for me...

  30. Anonymous11:44 PM EST

    45 bottles of beer on the wall, 45 bottles of beer, you take one down, you smash it on the ground, 44 bottles of beer on the wall.

  31. Anonymous11:46 PM EST

    44 bottles of Lear on the wall, 44 bottles of Lear, you take one down, you pass it around, 43 bottles of Lear.

  32. Anonymous11:49 PM EST

    43 bottles of beer on my gown, 43 bottles of beer, I drank one down, got passed around, 42 bottles of beer on my gown.

  33. Anonymous11:50 PM EST

    42 bottles of champagne on the wall, 42 bottles of champagne, take one down, pass it around, 41 bottles of champagne on the wall!

  34. Anonymous11:52 PM EST

    41 bottles of martinis on the wall, 41 bottles of martinis, you take one down, shake it around, 40 bottles of martinis on the wall.

  35. Anonymous11:54 PM EST

    40 bottles of chupacabra juice on the wall, 40 bottles of chupacabra juice, you take one down, pass it around, 39 bottles of chupacabra juice on the wall.

  36. Anonymous11:56 PM EST

    39 bottles of grease on the wall, 39 bottles of grease, ya take one down, squirt it into all your joints all nice like, 38 bottles of beer on the wall.

  37. Anonymous11:57 PM EST

    38 glasses of water on the...*trips, spills water*.



  38. Anonymous12:26 AM EST

    What if the Beatles sang about beer?

    - Love Love Me Brew
    - All You Need is Suds
    - I Wanna Hold Your Can
    - Maxwell's Silver Heineken
    - Back in the B.E.E.R.
    - Paperbag Drinker

  39. You know, what about the one hundredth bottle of beer on the wall? What happened to it? Did it jump? Did it fall? Was it pushed?

  40. a better question Sparkles is what the hell are beer bottles doing ON A WALL??? I mean seriously, they should be in the frigerator staying cold. i think the 100th bottle was left in the fridge where it needed to be

  41. Anonymous12:00 PM EST

    37 bottles of beer on the wall I HATE CHEW, 37 bottles of beer on the wall I HATE CHEW, take one down, pass it around I HATE CHEW! 36 bottles of beer on the wall.

  42. Anonymous12:07 PM EST

    37 bottles of beer on the wall I HATE CHEW, 37 bottles of beer on the wall I HATE CHEW, take one down, pass it around I HATE CHEW! 36 bottles of beer on the wall.

  43. Anonymous12:07 PM EST


  44. Anonymous1:24 PM EST

    36 bottles of beer on the wall, 36 bottles of take down 33 bottles just to get this game near the end, 3 bottles of beer on the wall.

  45. Anonymous3:24 PM EST

    ::drinks last three bottles::

    The end!
