Saturday, February 02, 2008

Exxon / Mobil have record profits!

And it's a good thing.

Cuz if they didn't make a huge profit how could they afford to have all those gas station attendents pumping our gas, cleaning our windshield, checking our oil and tire pressure?

And those cool hats.


  1. I'd surely like to know where you find gas stations with attendants?? All I get is those blasted ironbellyfilledgas contraptions telling you to stick your card in to pay.

    now I need to go get my blood pressure checked. THATS what they need to offer at gas Blood Pressure Attendants.

  2. Anonymous1:35 PM EST

    Gooo Patriots!

  3. Jbdrowzee!

    Are you going to the game?

  4. Anonymous2:33 PM EST

    Dear Tex,

    I think the author of today's post was being sarcastic when discussing the service one gets at the gas station.

    I think he was telling the truth about the cool hats.

  5. Anonymous2:48 PM EST

    Not going to the game but I can see the stadium from a hill near my house. Maybe I should go wave from the roof of my house when the Goodyear blimp passes by?

  6. Anonymous4:42 PM EST

    New Jersey

  7. Dear Not A Tard

    yah I know i responded reality instead of fantasy. but im puzzled about the little hats?

  8. Anonymous12:40 PM EST

    Someone just told me they're pulling for the Red Sox in tonight's game. And then they argued with me when I said the Red Sox didn't make it to the SuperBowl this year...ha!

    (I think maybe there was some gas sniffin' going on with them earlier...)

  9. who forgot to lock the backdoor?
