Thursday, February 14, 2008


You can just about feel the love. It's special and it overtakes every fiber of our beings.

Some folks make fun of today because they say it's manufactured or fake or something.

But it's real. It's amazing what it's like when this love overwhelms you....takes you over. Brings you back to all of those other special days together. It's love and like and everything else in between.

I always try and act like today doen't choke me up. Sometimes my eyes fill with tears just from the pure unadultered love that truly flows on this most special of days. I fell in love with you in the 1970s and it's stronger than ever.

Yes folks, today is special.

Today is February 14th.

And I'm thinking of you...My darlin' Wifey. My Blonde Buddy T, Bacon Ace, and Tex. Lois and Clinky. Ex Mrs Bacon Ace. Cake, Mother of Gawd, friends and lovers on HaloScan, my friends in the neighborhood....Rick from Casablanca...(hell, even Juanita and Maddog and Hoagy and Sparkle and Jayne and Cousin Saul and all of you other loveless bastards....even they can feel the love and the beating of my heart)

Today is February 14th and today is the day that Pitchers and Catchers report to spring training.

And stupid Hallmark doesn't have a card for it so I had to write it down here.

I love you Baseball....I've missed you. And I hate Hillary.


  1. And baseball loves you.

  2. ::virtual man-hugs IANO::

    What about Cake?

    No I won't tell you what I'm wearing.

  3. Hooray for baseball love! Hooray for the Red Sox! Hoorray for free couches!

  4. Anonymous12:06 PM EST

    Hey...just a note for you women out there: NO man wants a helium filled mylar balloon that says, "I Love You" or "Be My Valentine" on it!!!! Not one guy! Trust me!

  5. Anonymous12:07 PM EST

    The boys are back...I heart baseball!

  6. I HEART mylar ballons...just not on aircraft.

  7. I love mylar red sox cake balloons.

    And a side of mud cookies.

  8. Conrats to Joe Doherty for the birth of his new twins.

    It's almost as good as a Red Sox win.

  9. Thank you, IANO. I'm thrilled and terrified. Thrillified.

  10. Make sure you give them lots of meat. Babies love meat. Stops the crying.

  11. Yaay! Loveless bastard! I'm a loveless bastard! All these long years, working my way up the ladder from feckless scoundrel to gadabout wastrel to misunderstood scalawag.

    Loveless bastard! Righteous! Could I get a mylar balloon with that on it?

  12. Sorry Sparkle...ya just never quite bled Red Sox red.

    Loveless bastard.

  13. I can't help it that I bleed rhinestones instead of Red Sox red!

  14. Dear everyone:

    How much chocolate can you eat before you die of cocoa overdose?

    No reason I'm asking.


  15. Rhinestones, eh? Neat! Wonder what I bleed?

    ::slits wrist, ink pours out::

    I've really been in my line of work too long.

  16. Oh, I nearly forgot...Lois suggested...

    ::group virtual hug!::

  17. (Just to annoy IANO, of course.)

  18. Anonymous6:38 PM EST

    That was a nice group hug.

    Now, which one of you other loveless bastards has my wallet?

    -- Lamont "Feb. 15 Needs Love, Too" Cranston

  19. ::saunters in wearing all new clothes, carrying a brand new iPod and keys to a snazzy new car::

    What, Lamont? Oh, no, I don't know anything about your wallet. I think I saw Bacon with it.

  20. Anonymous8:34 PM EST

    Loveless bastard? I was so full of love this year that I would've gone to a Red Sox game. If I had tickets. And knew where Fenway Park was.


  21. To sum up: You edited this post 18 times and still left out New Guy Joe and his new twin sons who will undoubtedly be employed as pitchers and catchers for the Red Sox when they're not busy winning superbowls. Looz-ah.

  22. I feel the love....I'll be at Fenway in April!!!

    There is plenty of love at Hadlock Field as well....
