Monday, March 17, 2008

This should only take 44 seconds.'s a dream I had.

Having a party at my house and I'm going around the room and taking drink orders when all of a sudden I get to Bill Clinton sitting on my sofa.

ME: "Hi Bill...what can I get for you?"

BILL CLINTON: "How about a bottle of grub..."

Then I woke up wondering what the heck a bottle of grub was.

Earlier in the dream Hillary appeared, and no lie...she was charming and I was flirting with her.

In real life I think Hillary is a bottle of grub.


  1. Anonymous11:04 AM EDT

    Ah love bottles of grubs!

  2. Anonymous11:05 AM EDT

    What if I sang about IANO's dream?

    - All You Need is Grub
    - Grub Grub Me Do
    - Heather Mills You Suck

    Wait, never mind that last one...

  3. Anonymous11:07 AM EDT

    Really?...Flirting with Hillary?...( choke)...sorry...just threw up.

  4. This is what I found on "bottle of grub".

    Looks pretty tasty. Unlike Hillary.

  5. Cousin Saul:

    It only goes to prove what the rest of us have been saying all along...with the way he goes on and on and on about her, and now this dream, he's secretly in love with her cankles.

    Oh...sorry I said that...::throws up too::

  6. Bottled grub? Ah, don't let em' fool ya. The canned grub tastes much fresher.

  7. Anonymous3:15 PM EDT

    100 bottles of grub on the wall, 100 bottles of grub, ya take one down, pass it around...99 bottles of grub on the wall...

  8. No. I'm not going to send you a dollar.
