Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I hope it didn't make my thighs look big.

So I'm getting ready to leave for work the other day and this is the conversation I had with Wifey (after she gave me the once over with her eyes)

WIFEY: "Is that the same outfit you were wearing yesterday?"

ME: "I don't wear outfits....I'm wearing jeans and a shirt. And no, it's not the same outfit as yesterday."


  1. That'll learn ya to have a closet full of the exact same pink cotton shirt. I did try to tell you.

  2. Hitler looked good in pink. Just sayin'.

  3. So if IANO looks good in pink, and Hitler looked good in pink, does that mean...IANO IS HITLER!?

  4. She gave you the stink-eye, didn't she? Or at least the fish-eye?

    Jeans, a shirt, and one of them occasions gowns from the flower shop, right?

  5. Oooh, and a tiara too. It just ain't a proper outfit without a tiara.

  6. And some eyeliner and lipstick...may as well go all the way.

  7. Anonymous3:02 PM EDT

    "(after she gave me the once over with her eyes)"

    As opposed to giving you the once over with her ears?

  8. Anonymous4:25 PM EDT

    I think maybe he was wearing one of Wifey's outfits.

  9. I hope to god you painted your toenails to match the outfit.

    Hitler did that all the time, but no one likes to talk about it.
