Monday, May 12, 2008

Yet another blog about capri pants.

So yesterday we're sitting around the dinner table and somehow it comes up that I don't allow Wifey to wear Capri Pants.

You'd swear I just burned down the Warsaw Ghetto.

Oldest daughter who is just back from being indoctrinated into a LiberalRobot (she's back from college) couldn't BELIEVE that I would forbid (suggest) that Wifey not wear capri pants.


I failed to tell her that Wifey also forbids ME to wear capri pants.

So to sum up:

We're a capri-less family, well, except for Liberal College Teacher Kid who loves looking 10 pounds heavier and three inches shorter.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous11:04 AM EDT

    You can't stop me from wearing capris. I got some hot lookin' cankles to show off.

  3. I know capris make ya look shorter.

    That's why I only wear mine with high-heels, of course.


    (Okay, fine, I'm just trying to get IANO's dander up...I don't own any capris. I'm short enough as it is.)

  4. Ooh, now that's not a big deal! If there's a no-Capri policy, you and your wife are still free to wear:

    1) Clamdiggers
    2) Pedal pushers
    3) Toreador pants
    4) Cropped pants
    5) Extra-long Bermuda shorts
    6) Motor scooter slacks
    7) Calypso or "pirate" pants

    Do you ever wear "skorts" or has your wife wisely forbidden you to do so? They can make a man look a little "hippy."

  5. I have no idea what "motor scooter slacks" are but I now desperately want a pair. And a pair for the husband too. And two small pairs for the kids. And two more extra tiny pairs for the cats.

    And matching jaunty hats for everyone!!!

  6. Anonymous2:12 PM EDT

    My clamdiggers are very slimming.

    My Mom tells me so!!

  7. Anonymous5:09 PM EDT


  8. Anonymous5:14 PM EDT

    Did you just call me short and fat?

  9. I've been wearing capri pants all week and I've never felt so alive.

  10. Jayne: Yes, you felt alive, but we thought you might be dead!

    [shouts toward heavens a la Jon Stewart] DAMN YOU, CAPRI PANTS!!! (Except when Mary Tyler Moore wore 'em!)

    IANO: You forgot one choice for your poll: "Yes, which is why I'm voting for McCain."
