Friday, July 18, 2008

Conversation with The Bank Teller

So I go into the bank to make a cash deposit.

Here is the conversation:

ME: "Hi."


:::a few newer bills sticking together noise::::

BANK TELLER: "We've been getting A LOT of new bills lately."

ME: "Oh?"

BANK TELLER: "We get lots of old bills also."

ME: "Do you ever get any bills from like four or five months ago?"

BANK TELLER: "Oh yes, we get those also!"

ME: "So basically you get most kinds of bills that are in circulation, correct?"



And then she got up and walked over to the bill counting machine and I noticed that her lower half was at least six times larger than her upper half.

Though I'm not quite sure what that has to do with: Conversation with The Bank Teller.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think you could've tried to tie this into your coin rolling blog from a little while back.


  3. What her lower half being six times larger than her upper half had to do with: Conversation with The Bank Teller.

    1) You were just trying to get to the bottom of the post.
    1) It was the Big Ending!
    1) You'll be the butt of the joke when you find out it is FIVE times larger.
    1) I think you should put this post behind you.
    1) It would be much scarier if her head were 6x bigger than her lower half.

  4. Anonymous2:10 PM EDT

    - Glass Onion-shaped
    - All You Need is Slimfast
    - Eight Meals a Day
    - Weigh Me Do
    - Lucy in the Bank and Pear-shaped

  5. That lady sounds all kinds of classy. And smarts.

  6. "Do you ever get any bills from like four or five months ago?"

    "Oh, yes. But I almost got fired last week for mixing them in with the six and seven-month-old bills! Silly me. Did I mention I took an aptitude test, and they suggested that the best possible career for me would be if I became a door-stop?"
