Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Crusty Bunker

So today is new comic book day and as I flip through a brand new series by Marvel Comics one of the characters mentions a sex act.

The dialogue goes something like this:

HOOKER: "He wanted me to give him a "Crusty Bunker"...and here I thought I've heard and done it all."

So I flip through the story some more and come across this passage:

HOOKER: "And before I forget...for those of you that need to know--there's no such thing as a 'Crusty Bunker'. "



The world apparently needs a new sex act and it needs to be called the Crusty Bunker.

Thank you Marvel Comics!


  1. So you wanna be bunked in the cruster, do ya? ::wink,wink::

    (I have no idea what that means but oh how wrong it sounds!)

  2. In England, I hear you can get a Crusty Bunker with a cut and blow dry.

    And now "cut and blow dry" sounds very wrong too...

  3. 1) The word "crusty" should be nowhere near a sex act--not even a fictitious one.
    2) Makes me think of an unspeakable act involving Archie Bunker and a boogery nose.
    3) "Little hitler in the bunker" is a potentially viable sex act name, as is "The Mashed Potato." Wait. The second one might be a dance.

  4. Anonymous12:04 PM EDT

    While My Crusty Bunker Gently Weeps

    Why Don't We Do It In The Crusty Bumker.

    Yellow Crusty Bunker

    Fixing a Crusty Bunker

    Happiness....awww, forget it. This sickens me.

  5. Anonymous12:55 PM EDT

    - Long and Winding Crusty Bunkers
    - I Want to Hold Your Crusty Bunker
    - Crusty Sadie
    - She Came in Through the Crusty Bunker

    Uhh...yer right. This is just too gross.

  6. "Why Don't We Do It In The Crusty Bumker."

    This is somehow even more disgusting with the typo.

    I need a shower now...and not a cold shower. A really, really scalding hot one.

  7. Crusty Bunker would be one of the worst stripper names ever.

  8. Anonymous2:22 PM EDT


    "Lottie Leper" would be worse. As would "Sally Streptococci".

    Although it seems to me that most of the usual bloggers here -- very much including "BaconAce" and "IaintNO" -- have EXCELLENT stripper names.

    -- Lamont "Happy Ending" Cranston

  9. Anonymous2:54 PM EDT

    Stuck With A Comb sounds like a stripper at a S&M club.

  10. I just Googled the phrase "Crusty Bunker" and this blog was result #10. We should be so proud.

  11. If I were a stripper named "Cake," I'd only hire myself out to jump out of cakes.


    And that sounded more clever in my head. Damn.

  12. Did you see how Neal Adams (famous Batman artist) was responsible for the term Crusty Bunker?

  13. Anonymous3:32 PM EDT

    Now #2 on google is IANO.

  14. But if you Google "Oprah Crusty Bunker" this blog is #1!!!!

    Disturbingly, there are also 4,900+ other results for "Oprah Crusty Bunker."

  15. I never, EVER want to think of Oprah's crusty bunker.

    Believe you me.

    (isn't it great to be 12 years old?)

  16. 1180 google hits for LOIS LANE CRUSTY BUNKER

  17. 27 hits for Clinky Crusty Bunker

    (Don't I have work to do?)

  18. And 1460 google hits for Sparkle Plenty Crusty Bunker

  19. Anonymous3:47 PM EDT

    "(Don't I have work to do?)"

    Is it "work" involving a "crusty bunker"? *leer*

  20. Anonymous4:01 PM EDT

    I love this blog!

  21. Anonymous10:29 PM EST

    Genial post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.

  22. Anonymous6:10 PM EST

    Opulently I agree but I think the brief should secure more info then it has.

  23. Anonymous12:03 PM EDT

    Genial brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.
