Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Kids still play marbles?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nujood Ali is 10 years old, but she already has been married and divorced. Chastised in Yemen for challenging convention, she recently told CNN she was raped and abused by her husband. "I didn't want to sleep with him, but he forced me to," she said, between playing marbles with her siblings<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


The above was on today.

I wonder if this story will make marbles popular again?


  1. Anonymous1:05 PM EDT

    It will make marbles popular again.

    It will also make divorce among the 10-year-old set popular again.

    There goes society.

    -- Lamont "100% Of American Divorces Begin With Marriage" Cranston

  2. I'd play but I lost my marbles quite a long time ago.

  3. Anonymous2:46 PM EDT

    - Happiness is a Big Shooter
    - Glass Marble
    - Lucy in the Yard with Aggies
    - Old Brown Marble
    - I Saw Her Steely There

  4. Anonymous2:49 PM EDT

    Sexy Keepsies

  5. Anonymous3:21 PM EDT

    Eleanor Rapeby

    Day Raper

    Rapey Raccoon

    Here Comes The Husband

    When I'm Ten

    Why Don't We Do It On Your Swing Set

  6. Anonymous4:09 PM EDT

    Doctor Raper

    P.S. I Love You, Little Girl

    Everybody's Trying to Marry my Baby

    I Saw Her Playing There (And Married Her)

    I've Just Seen a Rape
