Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Birthday, Stephen King!

Or something.


  1. He taught me how to dump blood on the ugly broad at the prom.

    (his b-day was actually Sunday)

  2. Some kindly nuns taught me how to read.
    Stephen King taught me how to actually enjoy reading.

    He also taught me how to dispose of a corpse and kill vampires, both of which have come in handy.

  3. Things What I Have Learned From King:

    - tunnels are scary
    - dogs with rabies are scary
    - clowns are scary
    - being lost in the woods alone is scary
    - being locked up by a rabid fan is scary
    - kinky sex gone wrong is scary
    - stores with freakish owners and needful things...or something...not so scary
    - dreamcatchers are scary

    And lots more I can remember right now...
