Thursday, October 30, 2008

New Voting Regulations

Republicans Tuesday.

Democrats Wednesday.


Income over $100,000 per year-Tuesday

Income under $100,000 per year-Wednesday.


White Folks-Tuesday

Not So White Folks-Wednesday.



  1. Anonymous3:32 PM EDT

    This is great news! I didn't know my suggestion was gonna be so goshdarn popular!

    I'm awesome! Go hockey moms!

  2. Anonymous3:34 PM EDT

    Crap. I wish I wasn't so average, off-white and poor, I wanted to vote Republican.

  3. Anonymous3:47 PM EDT

    I ruv erection day!

  4. Anonymous3:53 PM EDT

    Vote early and vote often!

  5. I heard there'll be an IQ test administered...

    ...if you know Palin's measurements or have ever referred to her as "my Sarah," you're automatically disqualified.

    Hey, don't shoot the messenger, I'm just repeating what I read on CNN!

  6. "you know Palin's measurements or have ever referred to her as "my Sarah," you're automatically disqualified."

    I'm guilty as charged Cake, guilty as charged...

    But in my defense, how can I buy her a sexy nurse costume if I don't know her measurements?
    Um, there are men in black suits and walkie talkies outside my front door...
