Monday, November 03, 2008

Don't re-elect him.

All my rantings and ravings for the last few months I totatlly forgot this ugly monster was on the ballot.

A vote for John Kerry is a vote for big repulsive stupid guys.


  1. Anonymous11:25 AM EST

    I'm always amazed at how Massachusetts voters vote the same, do-nothing politicians in...Kennedy and Kerry most of all. Losers.

  2. I'm disappointed in you.

    I expected a Reagan blog today!

  3. Oh Cake! You're right! I'm very worried.

    I think Wifey should make him go home and go to sleep until, oh, say 9 pm Tuesday night. And under no circumstances should he be allowed to go anywhere someone might make you do something stressful, like check off a box or pull a lever.

  4. Well Lois you know how the eldery get confused.

    Right dad (NoOprah)?

  5. vote everyone out.
    vote yes on all questions.

    Doncha love the ad for question 3 that shows the racetrack employees saying "I'm 58, where am I going to find a job?"

    THAT's your reason for voting No?

  6. Heh...after seeing that commercial, I'm voting yes. Oust the dogs and those pathetic employees.

    Btw, I like John Kerry. He would have been a better president than Bush.

    Then again, there are truffles sought out by pigs that would have made better presidents.

    Anyway, re-elect Kerry! He's not George Bush!

    And that's all I have to say about that.

  7. Anonymous4:31 PM EST

    Anybody got any good jokes about how they now have a black governor in "Massa"-chusetts?

  8. Anonymous4:38 PM EST

    No, Massa.
