Thursday, November 06, 2008

Goddamn Racist Pasta Wop!

I've been waiting years to use the words: Goddamn Racist Pasta Wop...
and now I must thank Barack Obama for giving me that opportunity.

I've also been waiting years to use the words: Tinkle Stick when referring to my penis....Thank you Sarah Palin!

All politics, all the time!


  1. Is the Goddamn Racist Pasta Wop the dish with the light cream sauce and baby vegetables, or the one with the rich tomato/vodka sauce? Either way, I like it with a nice dusting of freshly grated parmesan cheese!

    "Tinkle Stick"?

    (Silvio Berlusconi appears to ride the shortino bus.)

  2. Hold the phone. In the past this Italian prime minister had the nerve to insult someone by calling them a Nazi? Really? I suppose he doesn't know the history of his own country.

  3. I hafta say, taken out of context, I really do love this quote, though:

    "If they have the vice of not having a sense of humor, worse for them."

    Hear, hear!

  4. And I'm sure that guy is totally Iranian too.
