Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas conversations at my shop and at home.

DOLT: "Do you have gift certificates?"

ME: " much would you like one for?"

DOLT: "Do you have them for other stores?"

ME: "Why would I sell other stores gift certificates?"

DOLT: "It's Christmas."


DOLT: "Do you have anything for sale?"

ME: "Everything is for sale."

DOLT: "How much?"

DOLT: "Do you have the DUMMIES books?"

ME: "Any particular one?"

DOLT: "Any on knitting?"

ME: "Nope...but I might have a 2009 knitting calendar they might enjoy."

DOLT: "Really?"

ME: "Nope. That was a joke."

DOLT: "Oh."


GUY ACROSS THE STREET FROM MY HOUSE: "Come on over for Christmas Eve!"

WIFEY: "Okay...first we have to go over to Mike's house...we'll be over afterwards."


CHRISTMAS EVE:...."Hi...were just down the it okay to come over now?"

GUY ACROSS THE STREET: "No...we're tired."

ME to WIFEY: "So we left a fun party NOT to go across the street?"

WIFEY: "Yes."


DOLT: "Do youz hab any vibraiding stigs?

ME: "Vibraiding stigs?"

DOLT: "Yes!"

ME: "No."


GAL: "Would you like to buy these DVDs?"

ME: "No....but I'll buy your violin."

GAL: "!"



  1. Very thoughtful on the violin thing, but I already have one. Can I exchange it for a gift certificate?

  2. All we have left are McDonald's gift certificates.

  3. That's fine.

    $500 worth of apple pies and hash browns!!! 2009 is gonna be awesome!

  4. Anonymous8:32 PM EST

    You had an invite from your neighbour across the street??? And you were already at a party?? I'm way jealous of all your invites....btw, have you seen Flip?

  5. Dear Brit,

    You know the neighbor across the street.

    Can we really call that an 'invite'?

    ( house....tonight?)

  6. Anonymous11:50 AM EST

    We'd come but we're too tired.
