Friday, December 05, 2008

RIP Forry Ackerman

This guy was way cooler than you could imagine.


  1. I can't think of anyone who made the tone of his magazine "his own" as much as Uncle Forry did to FM. Hefner comes close, but that's about it.

    There've been rumors of his death or impending death for years now. This time it's true. This sucks.

  2. I bet he liked to play Balderdash... RIP man RIP

  3. See? Picture of Forry and yet another nice picture of Hillary from one of his magazines. That wasn't so difficult, now was it?

  4. Ummmm, Lois....That wasn't Hillary on the cover of Fanmous Monsters.

    Though I guess she is famous. And of course a monster...

  5. I worshipped FM as a kid, and still do...
    Which explains a lot of things about me....
    RIP Uncle Forry -- hope his tombstone has some bad puns on it, as I can imagine that's something he'd want!
