Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Banned Super Bowl ad from those horny PETA gals.

'Veggie Love': PETA's Banned Super Bowl Ad

Myself? I'll be dining on delicious Sea Kitten Sticks.

Arizona in a shocker!


  1. Hubba, hubba...that ad totally makes me wanna go vegetarian!

  2. Anonymous3:53 PM EST

    Dear Republicans Who Read This Blog:

    For ten million dollars made payable to [muffled name and address], we'll keep him for you, no questions asked.

    Let us know.

  3. I think that ad was safely bi-partisan.

    I said "partisan".

  4. MrrrrrOW! Can you believe how frickin' FRESH that asparagus looks? Right? Guys? Hello? Bi-Partisan Broad? Hellllooo?

    gee, it seems echoey here

  5. Yeah, nothing says sexy like a pumpkin and some broccoli...
    Just when you thought PETA couldn't get MORE out of touch with reality.

    I hope PETA slips on some ice, so I can laugh at them and then shoot them in the ankle....

  6. Anonymous12:15 AM EST

    ironically PETA is getting more publicity from the fact that their ad was banned than they would have if it was approved
