Monday, January 26, 2009

The Waitress

So the other night I'm out for dinner with Wifey and The Mistress.

We're sitting in the bar area of a restaurant when I spot a waitress I like and she is working in the dining room part.

So I smile and wave to her.

No big deal, correct?

A few minutes later the waitress comes over to where we are sitting and says:

HER: "I just want to thank you for making my night...I was having a terrible night and your wave and smile just cheered me right up! Thank you so much. You're very nice!"


So she leaves and I go back talking with Wifey and The Mistress.

Here is that conversation:

ME: "Wow! Nobody ever says anything nice like that to me!"

WIFEY: "That's because you're always a jerk."



  1. So to sum up:

    You did something non-jerky so therefore you were drunk.

  2. Cake: I think he was all hopped up on goofballs again.

  3. Well, it would explain a you think we need to call in the men in the white coats?

  4. Smiling and waving is easy. Rescuing stuffed animals? THAT's very nice, my friend.

  5. No one panic. I'll just send the seagulls after him.

  6. Anonymous2:18 PM EST

    Sorry, I lost the narrative somewhere just after "I'm out for dinner with Wifey and The Mistress"

  7. Anonymous2:32 PM EST

    I think I have NoOprah envy.
