Thursday, January 08, 2009

When did Wifey become my Grandmother?

So at one point last night Wifey turns to me and says:

"...and no Monkey Business!"

Can 'No Shenanigans' be far behind?

Or 'No Tom Foolery!'

Or heaven forbid...'No Antics!


  1. Sounds like a load of malarky to me.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Is it time for a hootenanny?

  4. Golly shucks and jumpin' gee willikers!

  5. Somebody's a real fussbudget today.

  6. At some point, all parents turn into their own parents. Haven't you ever said something to one or both of your daughters and thought, "My dad (or mom) used to say that to me, and I swore I'd never say it to my kids!"

    The fact that Wifey has not turned into her (or your) mother, but has instead turned into your grandmother, means that she is [holds out left hand, with tip of thumb and tip of index finger almost touching] that much higher than yourself (and the rest of us) on the evolutionary scale.

  7. That's never, ever happened to me, David'z.

    Does that make me even higher on the evolutionary scale??

  8. "At some point, all parents turn into their own parents."

    Sorry, didn't know you were a parent. (Pets don't count, unless.... Never mind, it's too disgusting to think about.)

  9. Damn, you out-clevered me.

    I need some of Bacon's super chocolate covered coffee beans!

  10. "Damn, you out-clevered me."

    So, does that make me even higher on the evolutionary scale?
