Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Is North Face...

...the new Members Only?


  1. aka. Shortest blog evah?

  2. Anonymous11:42 AM EST

    As some of you may know, Paul and Mal Howley and their daughter, Cassy Wood, recently got paid to be “extras” in a TV show (Burn Notice) that was being filmed in Miami, Florida. Mal and I will most likely be just blurry background characters, but you should be able to spot Cassy because she walks very close to Jeffrey Donovan (the star of the show) several times. There will be a few scenes that take place in a nice public park in Miami and Mal and I can (possibly) be seen as picnicers sitting on a blanket. (We are such good actors that you’ll be convinced that we are really having a picnic) Mal is wearing a pink plaid skirt and a pink shirt and Paul is wearing blue jeans (what a surprise!) and an ugly yellow t-shirt that the wardrobe department made me wear. We turn up later in the episode in a marketplace scene and we’re wearing the same clothes. In the final scene Jeffrey Donovan (Michael) is walking towards his girlfriend and his car and when that shot begins, Mal and I are directly behind him, walking away from him. Cassy can be seen in one “park scene” as she walks right by “Michael” while he’s using his cell phone. Cassy is wearing a lime-green shirt and a white skirt. In another park scene, Cassy is walking with a guy who has his arm around her. Cassy is wearing a red shirt and a white skirt. Later, in a beach scene, Cassy is sitting on a beach chair wearing a black dress with purple and white flowers on it. You’ll recognize Cassy because she’s a petite woman with long dark hair. (Cute as can be!) “Burn Notice” is seen on USA Network on this coming Thursday (February 26th) at 10PM Eastern time. Please be advised that this TV show may not be suitable for young viewers.

  3. Anonymous11:43 AM EST

    I posted the above notice to make up for Noprah's lack of blog content in today's blog.

  4. Anybody have an idea on how to delete comments?

  5. Cousin Saul:

    Very cool...I don't think we get that in the Great White North but I'll check.

    Also, tomorrow can you post a movie review? It's fun (for the rest of us) when you hijack IANO!


  6. Anonymous12:14 PM EST

    Actually...I may just have a mini-movie review to post!

  7. Dear IANO,

    Oh, chief.


    Members Only is the new Members Only:


  8. Cousin Saul just bagged the award for longest comment on shortest post. Wicked decent!

  9. Anonymous1:33 PM EST

    Wow! I won the award?! Did you know that I also won the Eisner Award for my award-winning comic book and collectible store? ....I'm just sayin'.

  10. Yeah ...ten years ago.

    They should remake Sunset Blvd. about your shop.

  11. Anonymous3:15 PM EST

    Do you mean re-make Sunset Blvd, the award-winning, still popular, classic movie, similar to my award winning, still popular comic book and collectibles store? Just checkin'....

  12. Fight, fight, fight, fight!!

  13. Anonymous4:38 PM EST

    We were big because back then, we had FACES!

  14. Saul, dear...don't you have a blog to be writing?

  15. Anonymous5:34 PM EST

    I've got a short blog chapter coming soon.

  16. I like Iano
    I like Burn Notice
    I like pudding
