Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It's the Obama and Wifey Show!

OBAMA: "I'm going to give away almost a trillion dollars and balance the budget without raising taxes!"

WIFEY: "You make me laugh sometimes."

OBAMA: "I'm going to end the war but first I want to put 16,000 more troops in Afghanistan!"

WIFEY: "You make me laugh sometimes."

OBAMA: "My administration will be open unlike the previous one ::whisperwhisperwhisper:::"

WIFEY: "You make me laugh sometimes."

OBAMA: "We are thinking of putting our children in the fine public schools of the DC area."

WIFEY: "You make me laugh sometimes."

OBAMA: "I want to give your money to scum sucking weasels that have no clue how to run a profitable business and I won't raise your taxes."

WIFEY: "You make me laugh sometimes."

OBAMA: "I will make informed choices on who will be in my cabinet."

WIFEY: "You make me laugh sometimes."

OBAMA: "I will reach across the aisle."

WIFEY: "You make me laugh sometimes."

OBAMA: "I will complain about the AIG bonuses even though those bonuses are clearly spelled out in the contracts BEFORE WE GAVE THEM BILLIONS OF DOLLARS (but of course we didn't read those contracts we just threw money in the pit)!!"

WIFEY: "You make me laugh sometimes."

OBAMA: "And here is the most beautiful first lady America has ever known..."

WIFEY: "You make me laugh sometimes."

OBAMA: "Bush's fault."

WIFEY: "You make me laugh sometimes."

OBAMA: "We will deal with our enemies with a strong hand...a fair hand :::butt-kiss butt-kiss butt-kiss."

WIFEY: "You make me laugh sometimes."




  1. Got a lil' somethin' for Cousin Saul AND the blonde here. Awesome!

    (Note: Wifey should get residuals.)

  2. Anonymous10:45 AM EDT

    Ah....Obama. He kind of makes Jimmy Carter look a genius.

  3. Anonymous11:02 AM EDT

    What? Are you kidding? I loved Jimmy Carter!

  4. Anonymous11:04 AM EDT

    Ooh...Don't be sad, sorry democratic voter! We all feel like we make mistakes from time to time.

  5. Anonymous11:13 AM EDT

    We miss you Georgie Dubs!

  6. Anonymous11:26 AM EDT

    Chickens are for eatin'! Git in mah belly!

  7. Does your wife even know you have this blog and all the insane characters that follow it?

  8. Yes.

    She has no fingers so she can't post in the comments section.

  9. I don't believe you.

  10. I meant she has no keys on her keyboard.

  11. I still don't believe you.
