Monday, March 02, 2009

Jesus was really just a tiny little man and this photo proves it


  1. Awwwwww, he was so cute! How could you nail someone up who's so goddamn cute!?

  2. Har!

  3. I dunno...I suspect that photo might have been doctored. He parted his hair differently, as I recall. This is the real guy--any March madness team would be happy to have him, too:

    What's that? NO that's NOT Gandalf!

  4. Anonymous2:52 PM EST

    I hate March Madness.

  5. Anonymous3:28 PM EST

    It's a miracle! I must worship it!

  6. March Madness Hater is mad at--not about--March Madness.

    Clinky's March Madness Modok rocks.

  7. Anonymous3:55 PM EST

    Did someone call me?

    Oh. Sorry. I got confused.

  8. Anonymous3:59 PM EST

    Modoks are awesome...March madness basketball is annoying.

  9. Anonymous4:05 PM EST

    Oh, sure. Go ahead. Crucify me. I'll bounce back, damn you! I'll bounce back!

  10. Anonymous4:07 PM EST

    The Tiny Beatles are bigger than the Tiny Jesus!

  11. Anonymous4:10 PM EST

    I could take Tiny Jesus in a fair fight.

  12. Anonymous4:11 PM EST

    Tiny, tiny bubbles!

  13. Hard to tell from that picture...
    Is it really that Jesus was so tiny or that Andre the Giant was so big?

  14. Anonymous4:16 PM EST

    I wonder what they used for the cross? Popsicle sticks?

  15. Absolutely--popsicle sticks! I totally remember that project from fifth grade art class.

    Let it be noted that a vital blogger rule has been rent in two on this day of infamy: "Article 9, Codicil 7 of the Posting Treaty of Aught Nine: "And so it is writ that Cakie and IANO cannot BOTH go fishing and post-eth-not on the same day. Verily, that would go down in history as a very gay thing, an irretrievably, irrevocably very gay* thing.

    *Gay in the way that IANO overuses the word...

    SMITE! I smiteth this "gone fishing" blog!

    Well, not really, but I do slap at it peevishly with my freakishly small hands, as if ineffectually shooing a gnat.

    Yes. I think I'm done now.

  16. I'm not Gone Fishing.

    I just love Tiny Jesus.

    And when I say Gay I mean lame.

    Not homosexual.

    When I want to say homoesexual I say homosexual.

    Or something.

  17. Meh. I don't see a new post. I mean Tiny Jesus is all right by me--I have the big love for the little guy and his popsicle sticks--but ipso facto, you went fishing by default (going by boat is faster) and just didn't put your sign out.

    And: What's that? By "That's gay" you mean "That's merry!"? Zoinks!You breezy lil' pep-spreading monkey, you!
