Monday, April 13, 2009

Phil Spector Guilty of Killing Pirates...

...Marilyn Chambers, Bo the Dog, and for painting graffiti on the gorgeous new Wall of Sound me and Hoag spotted.

Today's post might not be true.


  1. And he ruined my marriage!

  2. Marilyn Chambers5:50 PM EDT

    When I'm 64% Pure

  3. Phil Specter kills just by looking at people like that. I died a little looking at that picture.

    (Pure comedy gold in your blog sidebar today. "Obama children afraid Dad might go nuts and shoot new dog." Little pirate outfit! Genius! outta the ballpark, crowd goes wild...)

  4. I didn't even see this post till now...and I'm glad because that look on Specter's face would've given me nightmares if I'd seen it last night.

    Also, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! PIRATES! *fires indiscriminately at sidebar*

  5. A Troublemaker3:59 PM EDT

    I'm sort of surprised IANO hasn't had a fit about where the dog came from.

    Gee, I sure hope brain tumors aren't contagious.

  6. Where did the dog come from?

  7. A Troublemaker4:56 PM EDT

    Ted Kennedy.

  8. Anonymous11:04 PM EDT

    The puppy Bo came from Texas. It is a littermate of one of the Girl-Man's pups. Bo originally went to someone else and it didn't work out.
