Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuck (30 seconds)


  1. I like that bear's style.

    Wonder if he'd be available to come to NY for some meetings with me tomorrow? I'm pretty sure there will be lots of folks who need to be hit upside the head with a trout.

  2. I like that they used a typical Bruins fan...adds a nice dash of reality to the commercial.

  3. A video had to be made to point out the obvious?

    Hitler never tucked his jersey

  4. Aieee! Look out, Cakie! The bear is headin' up to Canada to chew bubblegum and kick ass...and it's all out of bubblegum!!! Ready the maple leaf candy catapults at the border!

  5. The bear won't get past the border...he doesn't speak French.

    And, if you're going to be an honorary Canuck, Sparkle, you should know they swapped out the maple candy catapults with the upgraded hot poutine version two years ago, eh?
