Monday, May 18, 2009

The Bowl Queen

So last night Wifey has some fruit and it's in a bowl.

When she finishes I see the empty bowl, pick it up, and put it in the dishwasher.

An hour or so later she has something else. In a bowl.

When she finishes I see it sitting there, pick it up, and put it in the dishwasher.

And I notice there are a bunch of bowls in said dishwasher.

So we have a conversation (it's what we do)

ME: "You're a Bowl Queen."

WIFEY: "I'm not a Bowl Queen."

ME: "Yes you are! You my friend, are The Bowl Queen!"

WIFEY: "I'm not a Bowl Queen."

ME: "Are."

WIFEY: "You are an Ass Queen."

ME: "I'm not an Ass Queen."

WIFEY: "You are."

ME: "Why would you say that?"

WIFEY: "Because you're an ass."

ME: "I'm not an ass."

WIFEY: "Are."

ME: "You're a Bowl Queen."

WIFEY: "Why are you so mean?"

ME: "I'm not just use a lot of bowls."

WIFEY: "You're an ass.

ME: "Bowl Queen."


  1. Just sayin'11:49 AM EDT

    Dear Ass Queen:

    It's a valid question...why ARE you so mean?

    Do you have a dishwasher fetish?

  2. Oh, nice try. There is NO way you got the last word in that conversation. Here, let me edit it for you:

    WIFEY: "Why are you so mean?"
    ME: "I'm not just use a lot of bowls."
    WIFEY: "You're an ass.
    ME: "Bowl Queen."
    WIFEY: "Ass Queen."

    Behold the beauty in the truth!

  3. Queeny McAssy Assingsteinington Queenster!

    I win! I win! Don't try to throw down with me, IANO!

    (i, too, am a bowl queen...shhh...)
