Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Close Gitmo!

Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!

That's all we heard when Bush was in office.

Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!

So it goes to a vote in the Senate and they instantly vote it down.

These were the same fools yelling:

Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!

Until they figured out that the scum inside Gitmo might just be one of their neighbors upon release.

Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!
Close Gitmo!

You know what I say?

Attica! Attica! Attica!


  1. I'm not sure what those folks are complaining about...when the rest of us die horribly of swine flu, they're gonna be glad to have those gas masks.

  2. Tequila Mockingbird with a twist of lime.

  3. It's Atticus4:00 PM EDT

    I'd like a Tequila Finch with a twist of lemon.

  4. Crispus Attucks4:01 PM EDT

    Dark beer.

  5. A wiseguy10:38 AM EDT

    I guess The Blonde was right after all...the political posts do go over like lead balloons.

    (Ed: Lead balloons actually do fly. Mythbusters proved it. Apropos of nothing.)
