Wednesday, June 24, 2009

New Jersey now officially the dumbest state.

Yesterday there was a story in the news (I don't feel like finding the it yourself)

The story was that the great 'garden state' of New Jersey wants to ban the use of GPS devices while driving.

Think about that.

Are you still thinking about that?

Think some more.

They want to ban GPS devices while driving.

New Jersey also wants to ban boiling water when making pasta. (unless I just made that bit up)

I was gonna make up a list of other things the great 'garden state' wants to ban, but I thought it would be easier if you did my job for me.

Winner gets nothing.


  1. - The use of alarm clocks for getting up in the morning.
    - TV remote controls.
    - Cheese in grilled cheese sandwiches.

  2. Here's the story.

    You can still use them, if this bill passes, if you have the voice activated GPS, which are most of them out on the market now. Sort of like bluetooth/hands free phone laws.

    Nice generalizing there, dummy.

  3. Dr. Parade2:23 PM EDT

    Thanks for raining on me, Redbeard.

  4. ::tips cap::

    You're welcome!

  5. Chief O'Hara2:45 PM EDT

    If cops can use dashboard mounted computers, eat donuts, drink coffee, and talk on their radio, then regular people can learn to do more than one thing at a time too. Either ban "distractions" for everyone or get the nanny-state government out of our lives.

  6. Village Retard2:49 PM EDT

    And I don't wanna wear a seatbelt, either! Quit being a nanny state or I'll cry!

  7. chief o'hara3:28 PM EDT

    It's our personal liberties that are being willingly given away to an opressive government with a 100 year track record of screwing up.

  8. An Iranian3:53 PM EDT

    Trade ya!

  9. A few Koreans and a Chinese guy3:54 PM EDT

    Oh us too!

  10. Turnpikes using our name
