Monday, June 08, 2009

Where there is smoke, there is spiders.

So last night we're getting ready to go to bed when all of a sudden the smoke detectors go off.

ME: "What the heck is causing that!"

WIFEY: "Smoke or spiders."

I've heard that dust can sometimes set off smoke detectors...but spiders?

So anyhow...I check the house for smoke.

No smoke. Not really sure how to check a house for spiders.

We go to bed.

And I start thinking.

Maybe there is a fire in the dryer? Maybe an electrical thing?

Or something.

And then I start thinking about spiders.

Thinking about spiders does not put one to sleep fast.

Thinking about flaming spiders does not put one to sleep at all.


  1. Flash Thompson11:43 AM EDT


  2. If only you had a rented crate to put all those flaming spiders in....

  3. I heard IANO stands on a chair (holding his skirts up) and screams for Wifey when he sees a mouse.


  4. The Flaming Spiders1:34 PM EDT

    Buy our new metal album!

  5. Spider Robinson1:36 PM EDT

    Who said I was gay? I'm not gay!

    I also don't set off smoke detectors.

  6. Spider-man1:44 PM EDT

    I'm not gay either!
