Monday, August 10, 2009

The Inconvenient Truth About My Store Hours

On Sunday my store hours are 12:00-5:00.

Around 5:10 yesterday I closed up shop and did my closing routine.

At 5:15 a guy knocks on my door.

GUY: "Are you open?"

ME: "Nope...we closed at 5:00."

GUY: "Everytime I come here you're's very inconvenient"

ME: "What's inconvenient?

GUY: "When I come here and you're closed."

ME: "You should come here when we're open."

GUY: "I mean your store hours are inconvenient."

ME: "I have no choice."

GUY: "Hmmmm."

ME: "Mind if I ask you a question?"

GUY: "Sure...go ahead."

ME: "If you know what my store hours are why do you come after I'm closed?"

GUY: "I figure you might me open."

ME: "Anything I can help you with today?"

GUY: "I'm looking for a joke gift for my you have any pictures of Gary Cooper?"

ME: "I don't think so...I can put the lights on and check but I'm pretty sure I don't have any."

GUY: "Don't bother...I'll swing by tomorrow afternoon."

ME: "I'm almost postive...I don't have any pictures of Gary Cooper."

GUY: "I'll check tomorrow..."



GUY: "I'm back...just checking for those Gary Cooper pictures."

ME: "I don't have any."

GUY: "I'll check back..."


  1. 12:00- 5:00 AM or PM?

  2. Do you still have that box of broken toys? Looking for something nice for my kids.

  3. Gary Cooper1:27 PM EDT

    I'm a joke gift?

    *sad indian tear slides down cheek*

  4. I also loved that Gary Cooper stuff is now in the 'joke gift aisle'

  5. He came back today while you're open. He's capable of learning!

  6. cousin saul9:30 PM EDT

    I'm not kidding...I just bought a DVD of Gary Cooper in "High Noon."
