Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Putin and the Tits

That's a shirtless Vladimir Putin riding that horse.

I've been waiting to use my title since I started this blog.

Thank you, Comrade Putin!


  1. Men should never go out without their shirts on.


  2. Nameless Nerd2:56 PM EDT

    Unless they're Captain Jack.

  3. March '08: I did "Putin' on the Ritz." January '09: I did shirtless Putin. Okay, that came out all wrong. *shudder*

    1) I'm putin' on a lawsuit. You be putin' out cash.
    2) Vladmir should be putin' on a shirt. In his shiny head, he thinks he's Vinladmir Diesel.
    3) Do you have any broken toys under $6.00? Preferably a peacoat-wearing Putin.

  4. Incredible Hulk10:21 AM EDT

    Hulk think Putin stand too close to Chernobyl....

    Regular radiation not as good as Gamma radiation...

    Hulk SMASH Putin!

  5. cousin saul11:26 AM EDT

    Has anyone heard from Davidz Rantz lately? I'm beginning to get concerned about him!
