Monday, September 21, 2009

All the World is a Stage (And Bono is an idiot)

So we go to see U2 last night. In concert. (I had to mention 'in concert' so you didn't think we just hungout with them)

So anyhow....they have a stage like pictured in the photo above.

And we all know that His Majesty, BONO, supports every lame ass cause on the planet : Sheep and whales. Poverty and peace. Drought (he's big on drought) Pollution and global warming.

Amd a big pile of etc. etc.

So where does that leave US?

We have a picture of his stage.

And a list of his 'causes'.

But in doing my research for today's blog (Making up crap) I found out that the stage cost upwards of 40 million dollars (really)


Million Dollars.

For him to stand on and sing his crappy songs. And preach about political prisoners.

40 Million Dollars.

Point of the story?

Instead of spending 40 million dollars on a stupid stage he could have bought 5-10 homes for the very rich.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "Instead of spending 40 million dollars on a stupid stage he could have bought 5-10 homes for the very rich."

    Or, he could have purchased birthday presents for Bill Murray, Leonard Cohen, and Stephen King. Happy Birthday to Bill Murray, Leonard Cohen, and Stephen King!

    (This message will repeat itself at hourly intervals to maximize promotion.)

  3. And someone else...who could that be...hmmmmm...

  4. Wait, I got it...SPARKLE!

  5. But 120 Truckers are no longer in poverty as they cart the massive stage around the US and contribute to global warming.
