Saturday, September 05, 2009

The Flashing Sign keeps balance in the universe.

So last week on the Mass. Pike there was a sign similar to the one pictured.

Except it said something like: 'THANKS TED! From the people of Massachusetts'

(I think Ted Kennedy died or something and that was the tribute to him...a flashing sign on a toll road.)

But anyhow...

So today that same sign was flashing a warning that if you drink and drive you will be arrested.

And I somehow found it fitting that a flashing sign on a toll road will forever have Ted Kennedy related messages.

I wonder what next week's message will be....?


  1. Not a Ted-voter10:08 AM EDT

    Next week's flashing toll-road sign: More people have died while riding with a Kennedy than in nuclear accidents in the USA.

  2. True Fact. I was drivin' through MA last week and I saw a sign like that, too! Except it was all digi-scrambled and said "HANKS E!" I wondered why the people of MA had given Hank an e. It is a mysterious state in many ways...

  3. the Sign1:26 PM EDT

    Bridge ahead.

  4. Harvard exam2:02 PM EDT

    No Cheating Ahead

  5. Lameass Things I've Said2:36 PM EDT

    "Bridge ahead, pay troll"

  6. I'm actually kind of bored with Ted Kennedy jokes in general, but I honestly liked this post. Go figure.
