Friday, September 04, 2009

Make sure you recycle! (or something)


  1. Why is the World Wrestling Federation all up in this? Why are they using their old initials? And, why does Vince McMahon look like a panda bear at the end of this video? Is it some kind of new schtick?

    In more urgent news, Rey Mysterio has been suspended for 30 days!

  2. YAY WWF! You get to go off and play with PETA in their crazy people sandbox! Woo hoo!

  3. Sure, Captain Planet is an okay wrestler--dunno if I'd go so far as to call him "brutally powerful," 'though. Now, Mankind. He was a wrestler. Why oh why didn't the WWF save Mankind? Not everyone can work a sock puppet like that, you know.

  4. It scares me that you know so much about wrasslin', Sparkle, my friend.

    It also scares me that I know this much about wrasslin'.

    (Anybody know how I go about purging junk like this from my brain!?)

  5. Prepare your brain to upload more junk as we salute the Great Wrestlers of Canada!!!

    Abdullah The Butcher! (Now owns Abdullah The Butcher's House of Ribs and Chinese Food!)
    The Beast!
    Killer Kowalski!
    Little Beaver!!!!!
    The Looooove Brothers

    Huh? Wha? Wrasslin knowledge? Me?

  6. Have you seen a documentary called "Wrestling with the Past"? If you like the ole characters, you'd LOVE it, it's a riot! And it's the only thing I've been able to tolerate about wrestling. (The modern stuff makes me nuts.)

  7. THANK YOU, CAKE! I, too, love the old characters! Will check it out. I had a brief, strong flirtation w/wrestling around the time of Mankind--it was the sock puppet and humor that won my heart. Plus, I needed to watch for long enough to perfect Vince McMahon's hairy eyeball stare. And. I. Have.
