Friday, September 25, 2009

A text conversation with my 19 year old

ME: "I love you more than spaghetti and meatballs."

DAUGHTER: "I love you more than pizza."

(And if that doesn't bring a tear to your eye, nothing will. Except maybe some sand in your eye. Or onions. Or something)


  1. McKenzie12:58 AM EDT

    But do you wanna have sex with her?

  2. That's adorable.

    Does she enjoy having a girl for a dad?

  3. NO! That's not a tear in my eye! It's my new contact lenses! It's the sun! It's conjunctivitis! (*sniffles mightily*)

    Having two moms is way cool! Twice the clothes to borrow--although she's probably not that into your crocs and capris.

  4. daughter1:57 PM EDT

    actually you quoted me wrong. I believe my response was I love you ALMOST as much as pizza
