The title of today's blog is a blueprint for tonight.
Tonight being Buddy Nite and all.
The Man?
Well, that would be me.
The Plan?
Well, that would be to pick up the Hoag and meet The Blonde for vittles and drinks.
(Notice the amusing use of the word vittles)
Now the difficult part is here.
Because we now have a Canal to work into Buddy Nite.
And that hasn't been done before.
Nor have we ever gone to Panama for Buddy Nite.
I suppose the canal could be under the bridge I have pictured, huh?
So we have: The Man, The Plan, The Canal....but still no Panama.
So we have a serious flaw in today's blog.
But because today's title on today's blog also happens to be a palindrome maybe it makes it okay.
Or maybe I'll just leave the Panama part up to Hoag and or the Blonde.
A Man, A Plan, A Canal, Not a whole heck of a lot to do with Panama.
You screw up the whole flow of the day when you post a blog mid-afternoon. Sheesh.
"Panama" is gay slang...did you learn that from someone with fancy shoes, by any chance?
This is like shootin' fish in a barrel:
The Man: You.
The Plan: Hoag, Blonde, Vittles (amusing), Drinks
The Canal: Alimentary, my dear watson--you can't leave home without it
Panama: Hoagy's unquestionably snappy summer hat
I knew I could count on Sparkle!
Buddy Nite will be a palindrome.
Wmord nilap aeblli wet in yddub
I notice he didn't deny the gay slang bit...hmmm.
Buddy Nite Update:
Hoag showed up wearing a Panama hat.
Of course he did.
But more importantly...how's the Swine Flu? I hope you didn't give it to Hoag...no hand-holding when you're infectious, boys!
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