Wednesday, March 15, 2006

St. Patrick's Day Candy O' Junk Food

If you're like me you think of all things Irish and especially what their candy and junk food must be like:

1. O' Mallo Cup

2. Reeses Corned Beef Cup.

3. Baby O'Reilly bar

4. Pop shamRocks

5. Bit O' O'Honey

6. Potato Joy bar

7. Nothing for #7

8. Peppermint Paddy

9. ButterFamine bar


  1. I just love the Reeses Corned Beef Cup...makes my mouth water!

    There's also:

    Cotton Clover Candy
    Leprechaun Licorice
    O'Malley's O'Henry
    Rocky Road to Dublin bar
    Guinness Creme Eggs

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  3. I find that the following make for hearty, rib-stickin' snackin'. Heavy Helen gave me these recipes--handed down from her mother, Stout Sinead.

    Shepherd's Whoopie Pie
    Tater Taffy
    California Cabbage Dip

    The cow one jumped the shark, not this one.

  4. 3 Bangers and Mashketeers Bar
    Mr. Goodpub (a crunchy potato base layered with a thin layer of guiness enrobed in rich dark chocolate)
    Sausage Shake

    And, as a bonus, my top three favorite names of 1920s candy bars: Fat Emmas, Chicken Dinner, and Big Dearos.

  5. I'll take one 3 Bangers and Mashketeers Bar with delish tater taffy for dessert and a big mug of guinness to wash it all down, please.


  6. For St. Patrick's day, DJ K-Ache's "cake" of choice is, of course, Irish Spring.
