Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Cows Singin' HEY JUDE Would be Cool

If you're like me you've often wonder what it would be like if cows could they are singin' a bit of Hey Jude by the Beatles (I didn't make this up...there is an english-to-cow translator on the web for some reason)


Hey, Joode, doon't make it bad.
Take a sad soong moond make it better.
Remember too let her intoo moor heart.
Then moo can start too make it better.
Hey, Joode, doon't be afraid.
Yoooo were made too goo oooot moond get her.
The minoote moo let hermoonder moor skin.
Then moo begin too make it better. Moo! Moo.

and it goes on and on.

Any other good songs for the english-to-cow translator?


  1. I kinda like cows singing pop songs.

  2. What we got here are a couple of mooassholeways.

    I'm just going to retire to Sparkle's lair and listen to The Cowsills, The Cowboy Junkies, and Henry Cow until I can forget everything I have read here today.

    The moomanity...The moomanity...

  3. Sparkle probably enjoys MooTown over standard pop.

  4. It's a moot point, but I moon over novelty moosic, like "Moo-nster Bangers Mash." I moove and groove to it as I moouse Noel Coward's works and moounch my Shepherd's Moon Pies.

    I imagine that those who post on blogs can jump the shark, too. Just, theoretically speaking.

  5. Can't jump the shark with classics like these:

    1. Moooonriver

    2. Going to a Moo-Moo

    3. She's the Bossy

    4. Going to Cowafornia

    5. Cud Stinks!

  6. Hope you have moo beefs with these, MooOprah:

    Across the Mooniverse
    Mixed Emootions
    Highway 51 Moos
    Got My Mind Set on Moo
    Roadhouse Moos

  7. See, the Fonz never recovered from jumping the shark. But look at Nooprah go! Like a phoenix rising from the ashes...Or a cow patty?

    Udderly fantastic.

  8. Fly me to the mooooon belle...

    Born in the Moo-SA

  9. Dear Moodence
    I Saw her Milking There
    I'm Looking Through Moo
    Happiness is a Warm Glass of Milk

  10. Bessie in the sky with diamonds

  11. Moobla-di Moobla-da (milking goes on)

  12. All of those are good tunes. But, I like to go to the moovies:

    Mooster Cogburn
    Mooulin Rouge
    Two Mooules for Sister Sarah
    Mission to Moos
    Moonkey Business

  13. We're savin' movies for Moooonday.

  14. You didn't say anything about tv shows.

    Mooder She Wrote
    Amooican Idol
    Everybody Loves Raymooond
    Law and Udder
