Wednesday, March 08, 2006

This Dude Creeps Us All Out

Yet we still kinda love him. Why is that?


  1. Burger complex? Mask complex? Royalty complex? Creepy-guy-sneaking-on-on-folks-with-a-sandwich complex?

    Paging Dr. Freud...

  2. 1) The dentures. They remind us of Old Uncle Penis's dentures. Lovable. Creepy. The whole nine yards.
    2) It looks like they've dressed up Jesus and are using him to pimp burgers. This creeps us out, while simultaneously activating Sunday School reflexes. We flash back to our Golden Book of Jesus and think, "Gee! Jesus loves me! He wants to sell me a burger!"
    3) We pity him. His eyes...his eyes...His mouth smiles and his eyes cry out for help...

  3. After a long night in Vegas, I'd be quite hammered - I'd probably wet myself if that THING appeared behind me.

    How's he keep the burgers hot, anyways? Does he keep them inside his costume?

  4. The chicken bucking bronco is even creepier.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Dear ::ribbit::,

    For a second I thought you meant he kept the hamburgers in his tights!

