Thursday, April 27, 2006

I Can't Believe How Lucky I Am.

No haikus, no numbered lists, no Adolf, just a true story that happened this morning that shook me up. I usually don't like to write personal stuff because people might figure out who I really ::cough:NicolasCage:cough:: am. But what the heck.

I'm backing out of the driveway this morning after carefully looking to see if any cars are coming when all of a sudden I see two women and a baby stroller about 9 inches from car! I screech on the brakes. I literally come this close ::thumb & index finger an inch apart: to hitting them. The look of horror on their faces.

I roll down my window to see if they're okay. Some small talk and nervous laughter and I drive away.

Can you imagine if I had driven over them, maybe even killed their baby? Can you imagine the time spent talking to the police or maybe at the hospital? I might have been late for work.

And I've gone almost 23 years without ever being late for work. Thank god I didn't crush their baby under my wheels. I hate being late.


  1. Anonymous12:27 PM EDT

    imagine the work that would have been required to get the baby parts out of your tire tread?!

  2. Flesh caught in the tread of a tire is the leading cause of hydroplaning....if you're stupid enough to believe that hydroplaning can actually happen.

  3. When the posse of angry mothers comes to string you up, I'm afraid that I'll be tied up playing the back nine. Best of luck extracting those rattles from your keisters.

  4. Did I mention they were 'hot' moms with a stroller?

  5. Was the baby in the stroller the kidnapped child of Hitler and Drew Barrymore? Blog Continuity Girl? Can you run that scene again?

    The infant's weaselly mustache, yet sparkly personality, would be a sure "tell."

  6. Damn! Someone beat me to the "baby damaging the car" angle. I'm a little slow on the draw these days.

  7. How about:

    Joan was quizzical,
    studied pataphysical
    Science in the home.

    Maxwell Edison,
    majoring in medicine,
    calls her on the phone.

    Back in school again,
    Maxwell plays the fool again,
    teacher gets annoyed.

    She tells Max to stay
    when the class has gone away
    so he waits behind.

    PC 31
    Said "We've caught a dirty one."
    Maxwell stands alone.

    Rose and Valerie,
    screaming from the gallery,
    say he must go free.
