Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Money Making Tips.

Two Words:

Baked Sushi.


  1. I think there's definitely money to be made in taking tea, good old-fashioned tea, and serving it cold.

    A real entrepreneur could even mix it up - add flavors, slices of lemon, and even bottle it.

    I see this being bigger than lemonaid, even.

    (What? No...already? Damn...)

  2. Cold tea??? Next thing you'll be tossing ice cubes into your coffee.

  3. Next winter, fashion will be all about the magical illusion of faux fauxness. Fake faux fur. Fake faux leather. Jackets and coats that look so lame you think they're fake, but they're 100% real. PETA will be so confused.

  4. What about imitation fake faux fur? Isn't that where the real money is?

  5. I think they're actually moving into baked goods and snack items- you know, peta bread, peta pockets, deep-dish peta. Sure money makers.

    I know. ::groan::

  6. RATS! Your poll foiled me. What if I want to make out with Johnny Damon, Keith Richards, a canadian, AND Charlize Theron? Like, maybe not on the same day...but in the same lifetime?

    Narrow-minded pollster.

  7. Sparkle - Vote for Oprah. You know you want to.

  8. Well, Oprah IS a whole lotta woman to love and she has a heart of gold...Naw. I'd vote to give her a warm handshake and a batch of cookies. But, that's not a choice in the poll. Narrow-minded pollster.

  9. And, for a tidy bit of blog-crossover: Flattened possum roadkill is now on my list of stuff I never want to eat--let alone make out with. Thrifty, yes. Oh, yes. Thrifty. Add some bisquick, a cup of onions, and...AUGH! Phtooey!

  10. I dunno - if you marketed the possum-bisquick-onions properly, it might be a good money maker.

    It would just need a catchy name...

  11. "Possum Helper?"
    "Critter in A Carton?"
    "Roadkill A Roni?"

  12. Kraft Macaroadkill & Cheese

  13. Close but...no.

    Keep trying.

  14. "Pronto Possum?" Dammit. I'm sticking with "Possum Helper."

    Dear Sir/Ms. Cakesalot,
    There you sit, towering high and mightily multi-layered on your throne of royal cakeiness. You judgeth the names of roadkill, yet you contributeth not. Divine Ruler of Confectionary: "Keep trying," while fundamentally cheery and supportive, simply does not count.

    All set? You bet! Thanks for stopping by.


  15. Hold the phone. Kraft Macaroadkill & Cheese gets an A+. This is why we're all just players on I Ain't No Oprah's stage.

    It's the cheesy macaroadkill!

  16. Dagnabbit! Why can't I cheat and vote for Keith Richards in your poll? It let me cheat and vote twice for making out with a canadian. Don't get me wrong. I adore our Neighbors to the North. But, Keith Richards, man! Keith Richards!

  17. Fine. I'll accept Kraft Macaroadkill & Cheese - but only because I can't think of anything better.

    Possum Helper gets second place.

    Now I'm off to see if the poll will let me pick a second option - I'm so torn between Keith and Charlize. Such a dilemma!
