Monday, May 01, 2006

How To Get Booted Out Of Man Club.

1. Refer to pants as trousers.

2. Have a Barbie Collection (calling them action figures does not keep you in Man Club.)

3. Start a GHOST fan club AND bring a pottery wheel to the first meeting. OUT. OF. MAN. CLUB.

4. Go out with your buddy Hoagy every Thursday night and drink wine....oh wait, thats okay...right???

5. Know the difference between maxi pads, panty shields, andtampons. Tampons are the ones that look like firecrackers, right?

6. Be a vegetarian.

7. Drive or even think about driving a hybrid car.

8. Being excited that Rosie O'Donnell will now be on the fact watching the VIEW even once gets you booted from Man Club.

9. Shopping for dust ruffles for your bed.

and a bunch of other stuff....


  1. Without Google I have no idea what a sham is.

    Whew!...I'm still in the club.

  2. To get banned for life, you should do a blog where you mention Barbie, Ghost, wine drinking with a buddy, maxi pads/pantyshields/tampons, vegetarians, hybrid cars, Rosie O'Donnell, the View, and dust ruffles...


  3. Other things that can get you banned:

    - knowing anything about floral arrangements.
    - owning any pink clothing.
    - thinking puppies, kittens, squirrels, chipmunks, or bunnies are cute.
    - actually, use of the word "cute" for that matter.
    - enjoying any drink that comes with an umbrella.

  4. Anonymous12:57 PM EDT

    1. Truly reading Playboy just for the articles.

    2.Watching ANY movie starring Meg Ryan.

    3. Telling everyone how much you love cats (the animals or the play, both qualify)

    4. Getting your nails manicured.

    5. nothing for #5

    6. When talking about home improvements, using the word "decor"

  5. Can you double or triple negative yourself back into the Man Club? What if you and a buddy drank some wine together, watched The View and then went out to purchase a lovely new sham?

    Oh, wait. Then you're in a *different* kind of Man Club.

    Never mind...

  6. WHAT'S A SHAM!!!!????? I refuse to google it!

    Is it that little knitted thingy that goes over the extra roll of toilet paper??

  7. Sure. That's exactly what it's not.

  8. tee hee.

    Boys are so silly.

    Knowing what a sham is is one of the requirements of belonging to the Girls Club. It's similar to the Man Club, except we have better snacks.

  9. I'm actually a bit embarrassed for him, poor guy. Even I know what a sham is...::sigh::

  10. Anonymous11:14 PM EDT

    If you wear cowboy jammies are you in or out?

  11. If you wear cowboy pajamas, you are in something... but I think it resembles a closet more than a club!

  12. Oh, and use of the word "jammies" qualifies as an instant banned for life...
