Thursday, May 04, 2006

If it's Thursday it must be Belgium.

Tonight is Thursday night. Better known in these parts as Buddy Night. Even better known in these parts as GayWine Night.

So what goes on at said GWN?

1. Deep discussions on how to make the earth a better place to live.

2. "Hey! Is that a french fry on the floor?....DIBS!"

3. "Is that waitress old enough to be my mistress or your daughter?"

4. "We sure have great wives, huh Hoag?"

5. "You beleive all that crap about the Nazis?"

6. "Bet you a buck you can't chug that bottle of A1 sauce"

7. "I can fit three of those rolls in my mouth"

8. "I can do four"

9. "I can do four, plus rub my belly and pat my head at the same time"

10. "This steak is AWESOME!'s a shame those starving kids in Biafra can sink their teeth into this....this would keep them going for weeks!"

11. " Bet you a buck you can't suck that piece of linguini up your nose"

And that my friends is Buddy Night. The mystery is gone.


  1. Note to Self:

    Avoid Boston on Thursday evenings. All of Boston. Just to be absolutely safe.

    (Oh, and Nooprah? I bet you $5 you can't suck a whole steak up your nose.)

  2. Anonymous11:55 AM EDT

    Oh come on, that nose nose can EASILY hold a steak ...

  3. How can you tell just by the picture of the staring eyes?

    Anyways, I bet you $5 he ignores my bet altogether.

  4. Anonymous - you owe me $5. Leave it in the mailbox at the corner, please.

  5. 12. "Those aren't pillows."

  6. 13. "I bet you they are!"

  7. I declare myself the winner!

    Now Anonymous and Clinky each owe me $5.

    I'm gonna be rich!

  8. Oh - Nooprah owes me $5 too. I nearly forgot.

    It's been a good day for Cake!
