Wednesday, June 07, 2006

And To Think Hoagy Thought He'd Get a Raise...

Back in the 1970s me and Hoag used to work at this horrible department store that I'll call Fonzarelli's. On this one particular day we were told to clean up the back room area. Throw away all of the trash, broken store fixtures, busted mannequins (uh-oh) and whatever else. So we're making pretty good progress when Hoag figures out that it'll be easier if we (he) first busts up the mannequins and then puts them in the trash cans and then take them out to the dumpster (uh-oh!)

Hoag finds this sledgehammer thingy and starts smashing these mannequins up...there are dozens of them and he's starting to get into the carnage of smashing them.

And then he spots the can of paint (uh-oh!), Red Paint (uh-oh!!), now he's really going all Jack Torrance on them creating his own personal My Lai. Bloody headless corpses are strewn all around the back room, 'blood' splattered all over us, and of course... crazy laughter. And then the door opens (uh-oh!!!) and in walks gorgeous Marlene who starts to scream thinking Hoag has just wiped out the entire staff.

There is just no way possible to explain to management why you're covered in blood with three dozens corpses at your feet.

We were never allowed to work together again.

At that job....


  1. Anonymous10:57 AM EDT

    There is no Hoagy; you made him up

  2. And the moral of the story is:

    If you're a business, never store the red paint with the mannequins.

  3. Anonymous11:23 AM EDT

    Hey, is that "cakewich" a Hoagie? Are YOU the real Hoagy?

  4. I wish - he's legendary.

    Unfortunately, I'm just plain ole Cake.

  5. Dear Pops:

    Can you please tell us what happened to Sparkle?

    Moping in Montana


    Dear Moping in Montana:

    Heat a great stone in the fire, and, when red-hot, throw it into water and bathe the bruise with the liquid. Repeat this treatment twice a day, always first heating the stone, and the cure is certain in a few days. All set? You bet!


  6. There really is a Hoagy! I used to work next to a guy that works part-time for NoOprah, and he said that he's met Hoagy once.

    Sounds convincing, doesn't it!

  7. Of course there is a Hoagy. If there wasn't a Hoagy don't you think I'd make ME the hero of these kinda stories instead of giving him all the glory?

    And hackin' up mannequins is glorious.

  8. "It's Kill Or Be Kicked!"

  9. Not much glory in buying a comb for $100 plus tip, though. I'm just sayin'...
