Friday, June 23, 2006

Don't Point That Thing At Me.

Back in the 1970s me and my buddy Hoagy were informed that our Junior High School 'suggested' to our High School not to put us in any of the same classes.

We found a loophole or two.

One of the loopholes was signing up for Archery Class. You know like bows and arrows and stuff. We were kicked out of Archery Class within 20 minutes for the breaking of rules #'s 1, 4, 7, 7, and 7. And I think #7 again.

The teacher that kicked us out of that class was recently arrested for child porn on his computer. He also once tried to fondle frequent IAINTNOOPRAH poster Momenger's ass when she was like 15 years old. (She didn't much care as long as she got to skip gym class)


  1. Would you say that teacher was your arch-ery nemesis?


  2. Anonymous12:03 PM EDT

    "arch-ery nemesis" Nice!

    Was rule #7 "Don't stick your arrow where it doesn't belong"?

  3. Rule #7 was don't point bow & arrow at teacher.

    Rule #4 was don't recite the Three Stooges 'Niagra Falls' bit while practicing with bow and arrows.

    Rule #1 was you must wear a jock strap.

  4. Anonymous12:38 PM EDT

    Whats a Fart-Fly?

  5. Yep, totally missed the target there.

  6. Anonymous4:27 PM EDT

    Yup, gone are the good old days when a teacher could touch your ass and get away with it.

    I skipped SO many gym classes during high school that they made me take it every single day during my senior year. Eventually, they must've forgotten why I was ALWAYS in the gym, so at the end of the year they gave me a Physical Education Award. Perverts AND geniuses.
