Friday, June 09, 2006

The Zig Zag Man

On the main road into the town I grew up in was this giant flat rock embedded into the hillside. It was probably 25 feet X 25 feet and people used to always paint messages on it. Usually birthday messages or high school taunts to the neighboring towns football team. Sometimes a sad RIP, maybe an I Love You Steve, or just some random artwork. It changed nearly every week and became sort of a town tradition. You couldn't drive into town without seeing 'the Rock'

"Hey, did you see the Rock today, blah blah blah..."

So one week me and Hoag notice this beautiful piece of artwork up on "the Rock"'s the famous Zig Zag Man that appeared on rolling papers (keep in mind this was the 1970s and anything to do with marijuana was considered cool) This painting on 'the Rock' must have taken all night to do. At the time painting 'the Rock' was still considered against the law so most painting took place at night with maybe only a flashlight to guide the way. There was also an unwritten rule that each new Rock painting or message should stay up at least a week. Well, anyhow me and Hoag deemed the Zig Zag Man just too damn good and something had to be done with it. We came up with a not-so-catchy slogan, two cans of paint, a pack of cigarettes, two quarts of Schlitz, and of course a mission.....and we did it in broad daylight.

We started painting and within maybe 30 seconds we made a total mess of Mr. Zig Zag man and just started whipping paint at each other, pouring it in each others hair, and finally just threw the rest of the paint at 'the Rock' making it the all time worst ever paint job on the historic Rock.

We walked back into town covered from head to toe in red and white paint and anyone that saw us knew we just ruined the masterpiece that was The Zig-Zag man.

There is no moral to this story.


  1. That was you guys?!

    Wow! My friends are never going to believe me when I tell them I know the people who defaced the Zig Zag Man.

  2. Anonymous11:15 AM EDT

    There is no Hoag, you made him up

  3. Zig-zag man, Zig-zag man, he can do anything a Zig-zag can.

  4. Anonymous7:16 PM EDT

    You think you're annoyed; try getting paint out of granite.

    Nothing works.

  5. I Ain't No Oprah-

    Too bad you can't paint over poetry and music in a similar way. Actually, if I had my way, I'd deface the whole universe in red and white paint. Oh, and I'd also probably burn it. Fucking universe.

  6. Anonymous12:10 PM EDT

    What was the slogan?
